Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pink and Blue Skies

This morning there were pink and blue skies.
I considered, for a moment, the prospect of running away.
How it must've felt to avoid this day
and stroll slowly along some place better fitting to my need of serenity; waves crashing lightly on the soft, cool sand.
There were no thoughts there, except of the beauty of God's work - no need to think beyond that.
I would have lingered there for as long as the sunrise put on its show.
This morning there were pink and blue skies and I considered, for a moment, the prospect of running away...


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bath Time!

There is nothing funnier than giving my sweet, innocent, 5 yr old daughter a bath only to have her "ease out" in the tub...and laugh about it.
Yeap....good times in the Kelly house-hold.

Americans are Suckers!

We push the use of hand sanitizer, especially on our kids in school, yet we all get sick anyway.
I honestly think that the same person who invented hand sanitizer is the same person to come up with the idea of selling bottled water....SUCKERS!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I Found a Pizza in My Pocket...

I found a pizza in my pocket the other day

When I rode my bike to the park to play

I decided to go on the longest slide

But when I did, something didn’t feel quite right

Then I looked back and what did I see, but a looonng trail of stringy cheese!

I found a pizza in my pocket.

There Once Was a Kid...

There once was a kid, who swallowed a squid

That lived in a house, with a big, fat mouse

Who got his cheese from a dog with fleas

Who borrowed some cleats from a bird with a big beak

That built his nest from a flannel vest

That the old man hung by his door from a nail

That became the perch of a baby snail.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Instructions on Dealing With Bad Weather in The South

1) Take out your grocery lists.

2) Cross out everything except MILK & BREAD, apparantly those are the only two items we need during severe weather.

3) Drop everything and run, don't lolly-gag, to your nearest grocery store and purchase those two items before everyone else gets them and you're left without anything to get you through this tough time.

Well....why are you still sitting there reading this...GO, before it's too late!

Good Luck!

Winter In Myrtle Beach

There’s something kind of eerie about coming to the beach in the winter.

This is the first time that I can remember coming in the winter. Myrtle Beach is like a ghost town.
Used to when id come here I’d get a lonely feeling; ghost of beaches past if you will. This time is different. Maybe it’s because there’s not many people here so there’s nothing for me to miss.
This is also the first time I’ve seen Ocean Blvd with the Pavilion missing. Now there are just two empty lots, nothing but sand, grass and a few trees. It’s sad to see such a landmark get taken away.
I am reminded of the Jimmy Buffett song “When the Coast is Clear”.
I have so many memories of this place. Most of them are good, in fact, there aren’t many memories that I can recall that are bad. So much of my teen years were spent here, but if you condense it down to time it’s only about maybe five or six weeks total over a period of five or six years.
Those weeks, though short, were very important to me in those days and I guess they kind of still are. Those trips had some influence on who I am now.
Sometimes I linger on those days and find myself in a sad state because I miss them so much. This trip makes me realize that perhaps I’ve finally accepted the end of those youthful years.
I find also that I can’t recall too many of those old memories, just bits and pieces. The important ones I suppose.
Still, being here in winter is different, almost poetic. Empty memories from an empty beach.

 (just a reflection of sorts)

Richie Kelly
January 23, 2009 5:00 p.m. (rvsd. 4/13/11)
Springmaid Beach Resort
Myrtle Beach, SC